Coronavirus: Information, Resources, and Updates for New Mexico’s Local Food and Farming Community

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Promotional Funds Reimbursement

Purpose & Eligible Uses:

Funding can be spent for any kind of promotion, outreach, or marketing efforts that will help educate the community about your market by specifically promoting the health benefits and availability of local food. 

By simply adding the New Mexico Fresh Local logo and/or Double Up Food Bucks, SNAP, WIC and/or Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Programs logos to your promotional sign or flyer, you can be eligible to receive reimbursement for your farmers' market promotion.

Feel free to get creative! If you're unsure whether your promotional ideas will be covered or what type of proof you need to submit, contact the NMFMA at or (505) 983-4010 x 2.

Amount Available:

Farmers' markets are reimbursed at a base of $300 plus $5 per vendor. If more than 25% of the total number of vendors at a market are non-agricultural vendors (i.e., crafts vendors or non-locally grown food producers), the market will only be reimbursed for up to 75% of the market's total vendors.  Reimbursements are calculated by the same peak average number used to calculate your annual Market Data. 

*We understand that markets often benefit from having arts/crafts vendors, but the NMFMA encourages markets to have no more than 25% non-agricultural vendors to maximize the community's access to fresh, local produce, and to keep the emphasis on farmers in our farmers' markets.


To be eligible for promotional funds, farmers' markets must be NMFMA Farmers’ Market members in good standing and who manage public markets.*

Markets in Good Standing:

  • Pay annual dues and liability insurance on time, if applicable
  • Update membership profile by April 1st
  • Submit Market Data by the deadline each December 

*Public markets are those farmers' markets that are not managed/owned by a private business entity.

Requirements & Procedures:

Payment: Promotional expenses are generally paid on a reimbursement basis. You may also have the vendor (sign-maker, newspaper, radio station, etc) bill the NMFMA directly. Please contact the NMFMA in advance so that we know to expect the bill. We like to receive these bills promptly to maintain good relations with your vendors.

Documentation: The following documents must be submitted along with your request for reimbursement:

  1. Invoice from the vendor
  2. Physical evidence that the promotion occurred (a photograph of the item is fine)
  3. Proof of payment, such as a cleared check, credit card receipt, or credit card statement. (Invoices stamped "paid" are only accepted under some circumstances.)

When requesting funding, all markets MUST show proof that their ads, signage, radio copy, etc. promote at least ONE of the following:

  • specifically promotes the health benefits and availability of local food and or use the New Mexico Fresh Local logo
  • Double Up Food Bucks, SNAP, WIC &/or Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Programs

Deadlines: All funds must be spent and submitted for reimbursement by November 15th of the year awarded, unless prior arrangements have been made.

When you are ready to submit documentation for promotional funds reimbursement, fill out the Promotional Funds Reimbursement form.   
If you have questions regarding how to request promotional funds, contact Andrea Warner, market manager liaison.