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Shop and Taste Cooking Demos logo

Engage farmers' market shoppers with something new! NMFMA member farmers’ markets can register to host a Shop & Taste event and we'll help you pay for it -- up to $500. The NMFMA can help you with planning and advertising so that you reach more shoppers and deliver extra sales to your vendors.

Purpose & Eligible Uses:

Engage farmers' market shoppers with something new! Host a Shop & Taste event at your market and we'll help you pay for it -- up to $500. The NMFMA can help you with planning and advertising so that you reach more shoppers and deliver extra sales to your vendors. Learn more about the benefits of hosting cooking demos here

Don't know how to get started planning a Shop & Taste event at your market? The NMFMA's got you covered! Check out our Shop & Taste page for a planning timeline, marketing templates, and a link to sign up to host one at your market!

Contact Andrea Warner, Market Manager Liaison, at with any questions.

Amount Available:

For the next 3 years (2024-2026), the NMFMA will pay up to 60 markets to host Shop & Taste events. Funding will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. We will pay up to $500 per event. 


To be eligible to receive Shop & Taste Funding, farmers' markets must be members in good standing of the NMFMA, including paying membership dues, submitting the market's membership form by April 1, and providing annual market data by the deadline. 


  • Share your intentions and budget needs for a Shop & Taste at your farmers' market by filling out this form.
  • Understand how food sampling can be done at your market.  
  • Obtain a one-time food permit from the NM Environment Department
  • Invoicing for reimbursement from the NMFMA requires a short paragraph report and photos of the event. 


Please allow up to six weeks advance notice for best success in planning and marketing your Shop & Taste event at your market.

Market Manager Resource Library:

Resources for Member Markets:

Starting & Sustaining Farmers' Markets


Need Help?

If you have questions about "Shop and Taste" events at your market, including how to apply to participate, be eligible for reimbursement, and much more, please contact:

Andrea Warner
Market Manager Liaison

New Mexico map with Shop and Taste events marked throughout the state

Register for an Event

For Market Shoppers:

  • Stimulate their taste buds: Tempt market shoppers with a cooking demo or food tasting experience that features local ingredients from your market.

  • Partner with a local expert: Find a local chef, ICAN Coordinator (Cooperative Extension), Healthy Kids Healthy Communities Coordinator (NM Department of Health), or other food specialist in your area.

  • Choose a good time: Make a splash during August’s Local Food Connects Month, or choose another time that’s good for your market.

  • Shop like a pro: Plan for your chef to take a group of shoppers on a market tour and show them how to plan a menu based on what’s in season and how to get to know the farmers.

  • Handout recipes and more: Use the opportunity to give shoppers a copy of the day’s special recipe along with other goodies like promotional shopping bags, harvest calendars, a Local Food Guide, etc.

For Market Managers:

  • Reserve your spot: Over three years, the NMFMA will pay for up to 60 markets to host the Shop & Taste events. Funding will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis (if at the end of two market seasons we have funds remaining, markets will be allowed to host a second event during the 2026 season). Interested markets can register online.

  • Be a good partner: If you’re partnering with a local restaurant, be sure to help promote their business in your ads, newsletters, and signage.

  • Get marketing support: The NMFMA will provide you with marketing tools to help you promote the event including the event logo, social media templates, and other support that you might need.

  • Funding is available: The NMFMA can help provide reimbursment for your expenses (from $300-$500). Invoicing is easy, requiring only a short paragraph report and photos of the event.

  • We’re here to help: Contact Andrea Warner, the NMFMA’s Farmers’ Market liaison, at
    She can assist you with your questions, financial reimbursement, and more.

Templates and Downloads:

Once approved to host and run a "Shop and Taste" event at your market, these resources will help you with the planning and marketing leading up to your event, as well as the day-of execution of your cooking demo event. Note: All template links are powered by (free account required) and will open in a new window or tab.

Zip File Icon indicating a file download

Media and Press Release Kit
(4.1 MB Zip Archive)

This media and press toolkit has logos, a sample press release for you to customize, and some usage recommendations to help you get the word out before (or after) your successful Shop & Taste cooking demo
at your market.